Troy Geltch | Everyday Mates

Troy Geltch is known well in the local Fraser Coast community for his impressive physical transformation and sheer determination to push himself to compete in gruelling athletic challenges.

From being unable to get out of the car at the first ever Hervey Bay Park Run to competing in marathons, iron mans and more, he has constantly met physical challenges head on following an impressive physical transformation.

His love for running and exercise has taken Troy and his young family across the globe, always giving him another challenge to strive for.

But everyone has a story, and beneath all of the impressive athletic performance – this everyday mate has an incredible one filled with adversity with many heartbreaking setbacks. These events have tested his mental health to breaking point but ultimately led to Troy building a solid foundation to stand on.

The deep loss of his brother Dane, and his subsequent physical health transformation, barely scratch the surface of this story that is bound to inspire you to put your own mental health first.

This story touches on the grief of losing a sibling, physical health challenges, career changes, family, traumatic experiences and ultimately the importance of having a community around you when you need it most.

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